There are two ways to upload video on SignMenu. Anyone can upload upto an 100MB video file at a time.
Background video Video background bring digital menu boards to life. They have a compelling impact. The steam billowing from a cup of coffee, cheese melting in a toasted sandwich, a barbecue in process – SignMenu enables videos to be displayed in the background of your menu boards to entice and allure the attention of your customers as they make their choice.
Video within content A video can be placed anywhere or in any size within a menu board. Conceiving a creative design is not a deterrent for using a video into any menu board.
With options of visual and audio-visual presentations, you can present your Hotel’s logo, brand name & offerings on the digital screen effectively.
A digital signage is visually compelling : it engages, entertains and informs
Enables Multi-location management by a single admin
The most cost -effective media platform for the hospitality business
Easy installation & operations
Excellent creatives Conceived by professional designers
If you log on to SignMenu marketplace, you will see a wide spectrum of templates from the Gallery offered – all free of cost ! You may choose a template that best fits your marketing message . SignMenu also offers the facility of modifying, editing or altering the templates as per your requirement, and assist you online in publishing the content onto your digital screen. A little knowlege in HTML on your part ( or someone who does) would help upload the final design onto your digital screen.
Starting a new Digital Signage board? We’ll help you figure out your digital signage needs & budget
A playlist of your Hotel services enables a schedule ( or prioritisation) of the different types of visuals which the digital screen will play one by one for your customers. Hence, you may first wish to highlight the hotel’s room amenities, followed by the bar & restaurant, and then showcase the popular poolside – all at select intervals, and the digital screen will showcase the same to your customers.
Digital Signage boards generally project a dynamic business. In the case of hotels and resorts, digital signage presents the name – the brand value – the reputation of the property apart from advertising its services, facilities & amenities. For these businesses, Signmenu provides an unique digital software solution for the hotel owner, whereby the hotel owner can access and monitor his digital advertising without even being present on the premises.
Manage multiple locations
Multi-location hotels and resorts normally present the numerous facilities / amenities which may be variable ie, a hotel on a sea beach may have a different set of facility offerings than a hotel of the same chain housed on a hill station. A marvel of digital software technology today is that the digital advertising of these multi location properties can be monitored by a single admin . Just one computer, is all a hotel owner needs to monitor and update content onto the digital screens of the hotels in different geographical locations. This is the unique ‘Cloud Based Programme’ initiated by Sign Menu.
No Hardware, No startup cost !
The best part of digital signage technology is that it obviates the need for hardware. Or rather, it entails the use of minimum hardware – only by way of a digital signage screen or a smart tv. A hotel owner can coordinate his entire digital advertising inputs and outputs through only a computer . Even the use of a media player is optional.
Run without internet access
For a hotel or a resort, it’s name determines it’s brand value and reputation. Hence, it is imperative for hotel owners to advertise the name of it’s hotel at all times. Today, digital signage technology entails essentially a computer and a digital screen. If for any reason the internet service blanks out temporarily, the digital screen will keep running and can be monitored by the computer. Alternatively, a pen drive or a memory stick can also light up the digital screen with as much glittering effect.