Video display board for digital signage for restaurant to increase business

How videos can enhance your Digital Menu Boards

Today, digital signage is ubiquitous. The glittering digital menu boards literally add effervescence to the illumination within the restaurants’ premises and beyond. And the challenge to surprise the potential customer never ceases.

For the restaurateur though, at the end of the day, it’s all about sales. About bottomlines. About survival. And digital menu boards, when they first arrived, were a means to these ends. Subsequently, when these scintillating digital menu screens began to make an impact, there was a need to position and differentiate each business further in order to make way further progress. Else, how would Harry’s Burgers bring in more customers than Tom’s Burgers, with both restaurants serving the same locality within the same city ?

There upon, enters the video age to bring up the next level in digital signage. An audio-visual film with dynamic images of the savory food menu began to be perceived as the ultimate way to entice customers by evoking their taste buds with appetizing visuals.

Of course, technology has helped. And evolved.  In an effort to attract more attention and increase effectiveness, venders of digital signage have rapidly enhanced features and capabilities for these displays. For example, displays have moved from simple 2d screens to 3d auto-stereoscopic screens, screens featuring multimodal forms of interaction are replacing static displays, and display-only screens are being replaced by displays capable of recognizing user characteristics. The dynamic digital menu board today combines digital signage with the power of video.

Consumers, however, might be experiencing information overload characterized by exhibiting signs of display blindness, messaging fatigue and less optimal decision making.

Previous studies have shown that the use of video in digital signage can capture attention. Recent studies have examined how the use of video food ads in digital menu boards can influence more healthful eating choices. Methods included laboratory studies, eye-tracking studies and field studies where the effects of rotating images of healthful and less healthful food dishes were compared.

An Illustration : More Healthful Foods Vs Less Healthful foods

More healthful

Baked potatoes/Chicken Pizza/Grilled Chicken/Garden Salad/Grilled Chicken Sandwich/ Raw vegetables with baby carrots, celery, broccoli and cauliflower.

Less Healthful

French Fries/ Chicken Pepperoni pizza/Breaded Chicken/Breaded Chicken sandwich/Garden salad with Cheese and ranch dressing/ Raw vegetables with ranch dip.

With both sets of foods being similar, the restaurateur would have to make a judicious decision as to which food items to display in a video and which would bring in more sales.

Other Video Illustrations

  • Khazina Food Chain : In one outlet as many as six digital menu boards have been placed on the wall inside the restaurant. The video menu boards were dislayed in such a way as to display dynamic images  alternately in all the six menu boards. The dynamic images displayed different items as in pizzas, curries, burgers, chicken kebabs, wraps, fried chicken and much more.
  • Burger king, the fast food giant, has strategically placed its videos at drive-through points within its restaurant premises, wherein the brightly light, intrusive messages were hard to miss. The restaurant found that they could actually increase sales by almost 40%
  • McDonalds’ also has multiple digital screens strategically placed on the wall inside most of their premises. They have at least 4-5 screens adorning their walls. Each of these screens displays food items which are ready on the stocks real-time, that is, the up-sells.Customers who came in waste no time in ordering from the same and get the food items fresh. Ice creams, wraps, chicken, burgers and many others are appetizingly displayed on a video. Studies reveal that they are more into promoting their combo offers and pairings.
  • One of the most illustrious digital signage displays has perhaps been manifested in the sports arena. Signs outside the stadium would announce this week’s matchups. Once the fan passes through the entrance,the way-finding digital boards guide him towards his seat, the concession stands, the restroom, cafeteria and guest services.

Further, when the fan is comfortably settled in his seat , the digital screens keeps him abreast of the action on the field,entertaining him with details of the participants : of their family, interests, hobbies and social work, along with their performance on the field.

Video menu boards

There are two ways to upload video on SignMenu. Anyone can upload upto an 100MB video file at a time.

Background video
Video background bring digital menu boards to life. They have a compelling impact. The steam billowing from a cup of coffee, cheese melting in a toasted sandwich, a barbecue in process – SignMenu enables videos to be displayed in the background of your menu boards to entice and allure the attention of your customers as they make their choice.

Video within content
A video can be placed anywhere or in any size within a menu board. Conceiving a creative design is not a deterrent for using a video into any menu board.


Restaurant video menu for digital signage

Digital signage video menu boards

Offer video menu a open restaurant


Offer video menu for a salon
Digital signage video display for salon for hair style


Digital signage video display for gym

Hospitality Service

A video display board for a hotel
A video display board for a hotel reception

Car Service / Garage

Video display for a garage or car service
How to install a digital signage

Application Options If your business needs it, go for it !

Update menu board anytime and remotely

Update menu board anytime and remotely

For Quick Service Restaurants (QSR) Menu boards generally project a dynamic business. Items, services and graphics may need to be added or edited on a daily basis. Digital signage software helps you to do the needful. If , for example, you are away for a holiday  with your family in the Bahamas and your restaurant menu board in New York needs to be updated – this can easily be done through your computer .

Manage menu from multiple location

Manage multiple location

Another marvel of digital signage software. Multi-location  menu boards of shops/stores/restaurants can  be monitored by a single admin system . Assuming that you have done the modifications on the template saved in your computer, the single admin system updates the incremental change and uploads the same onto the display screen. In fact, Sign Menu’s ‘cloud based programme’ enables you to monitor & manage your multi-location digital screens without you even being physically present at the business sites.

Use video menu without internet

Tv screen or a Digital screen can run content / video even without internet access

Ideally, when you use the basic hardwares comprising  of a computer and a Tv Screen, an internet connection is neccesary. However, if it so happens that your internet connection blanks out in the middle of a digital run, you need not worry. The URL’s stored on the computer’s brower will enable the Tv or a digital screen to continue running. In case of a digital screen, a memory stick or pendrive will do just fine.

Digital signage with no hardware, no startup cost

No Hardware, No startup cost !   

The best part of digital signage technology is that it obviates the need for any additional hardware, save the computer and a digital screen, one or both of which you possibly already have. Recent software advancements have facilitated addtional features on the digital screen and the computer whereby, most of the funtions of the media player have been distributed among the two. Hence, while the importance of the media player cannot be discounted, for small and medium sized businesses who have shoe-string advertisemnt budgets, purchase of a media player is not mandatory for digital signage advertising.Complete digital signage solutions from SignMenu

How to install a digital signage

Complete digital signage solutions from SignMenu

Minimum requirements:
SignMenu + Signage screen / TV + Memory stick

  • Create your menu board design from SignMenu
  • Copy the menu board to a memory stick
  • Place the memory stick onto screen/TV
  • Display the content


  • Cost effective: Only screen and a memory stick needed.
  • Low maintenance: Any non technical person can design and handle this application without any hassle.
  • Huge template gallery and designer support provided by SignMenu. For more please log on to

SignMenu cloud solutions:
SignMenu + Smart TV with browser + Internet connection

  • Create your menu board design from SignMenu
  • Copy the URL and paste the URL to the browser
  • Display the content


  • Instant content update
  • You do not need to download
  • Physical presence on business site not mandatory. Can  be operated from anywhere. For more please log on to