Best Digital Signage Installation

Installation & Technology A must know-how for you !

Digital signage technology has come along way. The era of digital billboards and electronic kiosks in the fifties and sixties usherd in digital technology which in the present times have evolved to the extent of facilitating Interactivity, Personalised content,  Social media and Mobile phone integration.

Digital signages are best placed where there are maximum footfalls, a captive audience or on a transit site where-in motorists and passerbys can notice for optimum impact.

Installation of digital Signage technology involves a choice of  hardware options

  • A computer, a media player and a  large digital screen ie, an LED Screen or a Plasma screen. This invoves heavy investment and so the business owner should assess the  Return-On –Investment or the Cost-Revenue parameters
  • A  Computer, a Media Player and a Tv Screen
  • A  Computer and a Tv Screen
  • A  Computer and a  Digital Screen or a Digital Board ( any size )

All the above four options provide for videos, static and moving images, content schedules, updation, edition and alteration of content, playlists, and connectivity with local tv networks. 


How to install a digital signage

Operations from a computer to a media player and onto a digital screen

Digital content is created and stored in the computer : the content is then transfered to the Signage Player which in-turn delivers the content onto the digital screen. The media player in this instance has an important role to play mainly in scheduling of the content, real-time transitions, and automatic updation of content. It can also run on a variety of operating systems including Windows, Linux, Android ans IOS. One computer may support many media players and one media player may support multiple screens. Today, a stand-alone device such as the computer can combine the function of all the three devices

Operations from a computer to a media player and onto a TV screen

Digital content is first created and stored in the computer : the content is tranferred to the media player : the media player delivers the content onto the Tv screen. The Tv screen should have an internet connection and a USB port

Operations from a computer to a TV screen

Digital content for the Tv Screen stored in the computer : an Internet dongle connects the computer with the Tv : when the computer is turned on the URL’s stored there-in will flash the content onto the Tv screen : inbuilt flexibility for content update, edit or modification. For more on this log on to

Operations from a computer to a digital screen or a menu board

Digital content for the digital screen stored by way of URL’s in the computer :  A  network to be attached to an USB port on the Screen . Alternatively, a pen drive or a memory stick inserted into the digital screen will connect the computer with the screen and display the content. For more please log onto

Digital Signage without a Media Player

As explained above the digital screens of today have evolved to an extent that it obviates the neccessity of the media player.With in-built ports for pen drives and memory sticks content on-screen can be delivered by the computer alone. Concurrently, web-based technology has facilitated the ‘cloud –based program’ whereby content can be updated and displayed on the digital screens and Tv screens without the services of a media player, and the advertiser without even being present on his business site.

One of the most exciting new developments in the digital signage world is System-on-Chip, or “player-less” signage. The recent developments of the technology mean that digital signage can be deployed in much the same way that Netflix or iPlayers work on a Smart TV, i.e through an application.

Using mostly the same chips that can be found inside smartphones and tablets, digital signage systems can be deployed from a “smart panel,” meaning there’s no need for additional hardware. This means that companies investing in digital signage can have more flexible systems that can be tailored to fit the hardware they already have. For more please log onto

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