Benefits of Digital Signage

Benefits of Digital Signage See your business grow quickly !

How does digital signage increase sales

Digital signage solutions

The following are the benefits of digital signage from the point of view of the business owner:-

  • Digital signage advertising presents the most dynamic and yet the most cost-effective form of advertising. It has eclipsed all the other major media vehicles ie, print, television, out-of-home media and the internet when it comes to customer engagement and sales.
  • Digital signage entices & engages new customers quicker and more effectively due to its  appealing content, bright & bold digital graphics, videos and moving images.
  •   Digital signage provides the latest and updated offerings of the busienss,ie, a restaurant owner can advertise a special item or a combination of items on a particular day to increase his sales. Similarly, a Salon owner can advertise for specialised services for a particular duration.
  • Installation of Digital Signage is easy and very cost-effective. The only hardware investments that will be required by a business owner is an LED screen and a computer, and they are getting cheaper by the day.
  • Digital Signage Technology facilitates a single admin to monitor, modify, or edit multiple screens placed in multi-location shops /chains – within the same city or anywhere.
  •  Digital signage provides variable options for content design. Online companies such as Signmenu offer a bouquet of template and playlist servises including custom designs
  • Digital Signage provides a ‘feel good’ factor to the business. Hence, the suppliers and other vendors of the business like to be associated with a business which is open to new ideas and can innovate and create a perception of a ‘happening’ business.
  •    In Quick-Serving-Resraurants (QSR ) the digital menu boards decrease waiting time to a good 35%. This reflects quicker ordering and coordination of the services, thereby increasing sales.

Other technology related benifits of digital signage

Touch Screen Kiosks : Mostly used by retailers to provide in-store guidance to customers, self service credit applications and advertisement of product line extensions. These are also installed by private sector offices and hotels to enable employees and customers an array of benefits such as wayfinding systems, loyalty programs, announcements and numerous corporate engagements.

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